Askgfk ru paid surveys. Askgfk ru paid surveys Gfk ask login to your personal account

Many people have probably heard at least once on RBC (or another channel) that a study was conducted on the food basket of Russians; the average bill increased by such and such an amount, Russians’ spending on food increased by such and such a percentage. But no one has ever thought about how this data is obtained. The review is dedicated to the story of how you can get a stable, albeit small, income by participating in these studies.

What is GFK?

GfK-Rus LLC is a Russian subsidiary of Europe's largest research concern GFK Group, which has more than 170 branches and representative offices in more than 100 countries and is one of the leading marketing companies in the world. GfK-Rus LLC has been working in Russia in the field of marketing and social research for more than 20 years. At the request of large companies producing various goods and services, we conduct more than 80 studies monthly both among the population and various companies Russia.
The Panel Study of Household Purchases has been conducted by the GfK Group since 1957. Currently, about 160 thousand families take part in it in 26 European countries, and hundreds of thousands of households around the world. The OOO GfK-Rus company joined the project in 1996, and currently a large team of company employees is working on its implementation. At the same time, 10 thousand families are participating in the study, and during the entire time of this continuous process, more than 30 thousand families in Russia took part in it.

To participate in the project, you must provide data about your purchases. Only goods of constant consumption (I’ll tell you below which specific goods need to be scanned).

How to become a study participant?

The registration process may take some time.

  • go to the site and register
  • fill out the form in your personal account
  • wait for a call from an employee or an email with a link to the application Attention! Don't try to just download the app, it won't work without a personal link or QR code!
  • download and install the Smartscan application, activate it
  • you can start scanning.

Referral system.

The site has some kind of referral system. For those attracted active! Users should be awarded some points, but they are not written down anywhere.

What purchases need to be scanned?

You only need to scan items that are intended for everyday use:

  • all food and all drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic)
  • all children's products ( baby food, diapers, cosmetics, hygiene and other child care products)
  • all products household chemicals(all products for washing, cleaning, cleaning, ironing, clothing and shoe care, insect/rodent control, air fresheners and more)
  • all personal care products, cosmetics (including decorative cosmetics) and perfumes
  • products for cooking and drinking (baking paper, cling film, baking/freezing/ice bags, foil and more)
  • home cleaning products (sponges, rags, garbage bags and much more)
  • paper products for personal hygiene and home care (toilet paper, handkerchiefs, napkins, towels, etc.)
  • pharmaceutical products (medicines, vitamins, food additives, plasters, bandages, etc.), including for children, including medications received UNDER BENEFITS
  • products for animals (food, litter for toilets, various accessories for animals)
  • batteries and accumulators
  • newspapers and magazines
  • tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, cigarettes)
  • water filters (jugs, replacement cassettes for jugs and filters for sink/sink)

All online purchases must also be registered!

Registration is not required for categories such as:

Foreign purchases also do not require registration. If you are going on vacation abroad, then you need to arrange a vacation for the dates when you will be abroad.

How to scan purchases using the Smartscan app?

Scanning of purchases is carried out through the SmartScan application. You can download the application from the AppStore or GooglePlay. To activate it, you need a personal link and code, which will be sent to you only after your profile is approved.

The application icon looks the same as its brother GfK Digital Trends for Internet monitoring.

Process of scanning purchases.

Entering data into the program consists of two parts.

Part one:

  • indicate the buyer.

Select from the members of your household who made the purchase.

  • indicate the store.

Select a store by name (for example, Pyaterochka, Magnit, etc.). If you made a purchase in a non-chain store, then there is such a category of store or pharmacy. There is even a KIOSK/TENT for registering purchases from the market.

The last stores you shopped at will always be at the top of the list, which is very convenient.

  • indicate the purchase amount.

    Part two:

    • scan products with barcodes.

    We point the scanner at the barcodes of the purchased products one by one. At the same time, there is a sound signal (just like in a store at the checkout!) and the name of the product appears. The message “unrecognized barcode” may also appear, this means the product has not yet been entered into the database. There is an innovation on the site: points will also be awarded for entering unrecognized barcodes into the database (you must enter the product data, take a photo of it and a photo of the barcode). I have never received unrecognized barcodes, although they sometimes slip through when scanning. Perhaps this system will be established over time.

    It is also possible to edit the quantity of purchased goods (without scanning one barcode several times) and delete goods.

    I especially note that it does not matter how the barcode is located (straight, upside down or sideways). The application quickly recognizes it in any position.

    • manually enter products without barcodes.

    For some product groups, barcodes are not provided on the packaging (for example, vegetables/fruits, bread from bakeries. In this case, you must select a group for the product and enter its cost.

    • upload receipt.

    Receipts with a QR code are very easy to scan; you just need to point the camera at the code and it is automatically loaded into the system. In the case where the check is normal, select “QR code not available” and simply take a photo of the check. If the check is long, then we photograph it in parts. Purchases without a receipt, purchased at a kiosk or at the market, can also be loaded, indicating that there is no receipt.

    After completing both parts, send your purchase details. To do this, your phone must have access to the Internet (Wi-Fi or cellular connection).

    After submitting, in the Recent purchases section, the last uploaded receipt is displayed at the very top. If you are in doubt whether the data was sent or not, you can go in again and make sure.

    Your personal account on the website looks quite simple. All the necessary sections are on the right; your household number and your supervisor are indicated on the left.

    If you have any questions about the operation of the application, feel free to write through feedback or call your curator. They will definitely tell you what/how, the service works great.

    You cannot see the points you have been awarded in the application, only on the website in your personal account. You can also apply for withdrawal only from the website.

    How to earn MORE?

    GfK has several additional platforms for making money. In particular, GfK Digital Trends (Mobile Monitor) and askGfK.

    What is GFK Digital Trends?

    GfK Digital Trends- an innovative project that is carried out as part of a study of household purchases. By participating in it, you will help us collect valuable unique information about how to use the Internet from landlines and mobile devices influences your purchasing activity, and you will also be able to accumulate more points.

    The application tracks your Internet activity on the device where it is installed. They track what applications you use and what sites you visit. The company needs this to collect statistical data.

    By participating in this platform, I withdraw not 300 rubles monthly, but 500-550 (a bonus of 50 rubles is paid every three months).

    What is askGfK?

    GfK has another platform, askGfK, created to participate in marketing research on a regular basis. For participation in surveys, points are awarded, which can later be withdrawn from the project (though only on WebMoney). The service also pays regularly, so I can confidently recommend this project from GfK for registration.

    ask GfK- a group of registered Internet users who agreed to take part in marketing research on a regular basis. The results of such studies are used for scientific and marketing purposes.

    By participating in this project I bring out 300 rubles(3000 points) every two months.

    Reward and withdrawal of money.

    Points are awarded on the 10th-15th of the next month (that is, points for January will be awarded on February 10-15, etc.).

    The payment is fixed; for each month of scanning, 300 points are credited to your account.

    Withdrawal of funds is possible upon request upon reaching the minimum amount of 900 points (that is, within 3 months). 1 point = 1 ruble.

    Once your points total reaches 900 points, a withdrawal button appears. Withdrawal is possible on bank card, electronic wallets (WebMoney, Yandex), to a mobile phone number. There is no commission when paying to a bank card.

    Withdrawal to a Sberbank card takes on average 6-8 days (the website must indicate the deadline for receiving the payment). Do not forget that before ordering a new payment, you must confirm receipt of the previous one.

    Features of GFK. How not to get kicked out of the project?

    For some, unfortunately, and for others, fortunately, the project implies constant participation in it. Therefore, if scanning is of poor quality or if there are long breaks, you may be removed from the database. To prevent this from happening, you need to know several features of participation:

    1. Only scan items you are actually purchasing. The company conducts statistics on how many goods you buy per month for all family members, what amounts you spend, what purchases you make regularly. The company monitors data quality!
    2. It is impossible to scan all the receipts collected over the course of a week on one day. The frequency of purchases is also important for the company. Receipts must be registered on the day of purchase or the next day. Sometimes I forgot and registered after two or three days, but this is extremely rare, rather an exception.
    3. if you are unable to temporarily scan purchases due to illness or vacation, then you must register your illness/vacation in the application for specific dates; or call your supervisor and explain the reasons for your absence. This needs to be done IN ADVANCE, not after the fact.
    4. You cannot register yourself, your husband or your child as a separate household in the project. That is, only one household can be registered per family address.
    5. You may receive offers to take a survey on any topic by email, so register using the email address you use regularly. The last such survey earned me 100 extra points for each adult family member.

    I recommend this service as stable and permanent. Requires a minimum of time, only 30-40 minutes per month. I'll be happy to share referral link (write to personal messages) and will help everyone who wants to participate understand the site.

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Since March 2018, mass recruitment of participants into the project has been suspended. You can register and submit a form, after which you will be included in the reserve. Invitations will be sent as needed and available. free seats to participate.

About the project: The company GfK (gfk rus), which organized this project, has been on the market for about 70 years, and its main focus is research in the field of marketing. The results obtained are used exclusively for marketing and scientific purposes. To start participating now, you will need to go through an easy registration procedure.

After it, you will have all the possibilities of the project and access to all ongoing at the moment paid surveys.

Askgfk ru paid surveys:

Reward surveys, GfK awards points 100 points = 10 rubles, surveys mostly come in 100 - 400 points.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 3000 points (300 rubles) at mobile phone, or to electronic wallets.

Important information about GFC Rus: What and how do we pay? The reward is credited to your account in the form of points. 10 points are equivalent to 1 ruble. There is a ref system.

Reviews askgfk ru

My review of the GFK: The project is old, paid surveys come quite strangely, sometimes there are 2 surveys in a week, sometimes not for a month. The average cost of surveys is 80 rubles. There is also a fairly low minimum amount for withdrawal from this paid survey, which should please you. + is that it supports many languages. Recently, surveys have begun to arrive more and more often.

Payouts: payments from the GfK website come constantly. The evidence is here -

Surely you know that today the attention of users is attracted by the opportunity to get paid for expressing their own opinion. This kind of part-time job is quite real, and you can try your hand at it. In this article I will tell you about the AskGfk project - one of the popular and reliable Internet resources that pays all participants in marketing tests.

You will receive instructions for registering in the project, recommendations for cooperation. This will help you start receiving invitations to take tests faster. I’ll also tell you how and for what rewards are calculated, so you can get the money you deserve in the first month of work.

Description of the Internet project AskGfk

This resource operates on the territory Russian Federation with the support of the marketing organization GFK Rus. Its activity consists of conducting sociological research among a wide range of the population.

The topics of the proposed surveys can be very different: from food and hygiene, to preferred car brands, etc. Questionnaires usually concern goods or services used by people from different parts of the country.

Customers for such testing are widely well-known companies companies that produce these goods or offer various services (for example, airlines, advertising organizations, telephony, etc.). By collecting opinions from actual or potential consumers, product manufacturers can improve their quality.

This is a great opportunity for you, as a research participant:

  • influence with your opinion the production process of various goods that you use regularly or periodically;
  • keep abreast of various innovations in the modern consumer market;
  • receive payment for .

The AskGfk questionnaire is an intermediary between the largest organizations and ordinary average users. Its reliability and solvency are confirmed by numerous reviews from real participants.

Account registration rules

Residents of Russia who, at the time of registration, can create an account on this site turned 14 or more years old.

The registration procedure itself will take no more than 3 minutes. So, the first thing you need to do is visit the survey project and click on the “Register” button. Next, the algorithm of your actions will look like as follows:

  1. Select your gender and date of birth, indicate your first and last name. It is important to provide only real data.
  2. Enter your mobile phone number.
  3. Enter your email address in the appropriate field. Enter only a valid email address, since this is where invitations from the AskGfk website will be sent in the future.
  4. Create a password to log into your personal account. Remember this password or save it in a separate file so as not to lose access to your account.
  5. Study the terms of the user agreement and check the box in the right place to confirm that you are familiar with all the rules of the resource.
  6. Enter the captcha to confirm that you are real person, not a robot.
  7. Click on the “Register” button and go to your mailbox to open the letter from the survey and follow the link posted in it, this is necessary to activate your account.

Congratulations! You have successfully registered in the system. Now all that’s left to do is go to your personal profile and provide all the required personal information.

So, you will need to provide all the reliable information about yourself and your lifestyle, the average income level of your family, etc. This will allow the system to better select surveys that are suitable for you.

Invitations to participate in testing from AskGfk will be sent to your email. The specific invitation letter will outline the cost of the study and the approximate time you are required to spend.

  • follow the link provided in the invitation;
  • take a short version of the survey, which will allow you to understand whether you meet the customer’s criteria;
  • if you meet the requirements, you will be provided with a full application form, which must be filled out carefully;
  • let's be honest, taking into account our personal experience and preferences;
  • Upon completion of the study, you will receive payment to your account (in some cases, it may take several business days for the reward to be credited).

It will take you from 10 to 25 minutes to complete one test. The level of payment may also differ. Read on for more details about rewards.

How much can you earn and how to withdraw funds?

First of all, it is worth noting that the AskGfk online project offers special points as rewards for surveys. Their number varies depending on the topic and complexity of the test. So, for one questionnaire you can get 300-600 points on average.

Points are converted into money at a special rate: 300 points equal 30 rubles. However, each participant will be able to carry out the conversion procedure only if at least 3,000 points (or 300 rubles) have accumulated in his account. Once this amount is reached, a withdrawal form will appear in your personal account. Before this, you will not be able to see such a form.

Invitations to surveys here, as well as on, come with different frequencies. However, you can easily earn the minimum amount for withdrawal within the first 4-8 weeks of active use of the service.

There are several ways to withdraw money. Yes, participants The following options are available:

  • transfer to a mobile phone number;
  • withdrawal of money to electronic wallets in the WebMoney or Yandex Money system;
  • sending funds to the Gift of Life charity organization.

All user requests are processed within a month (until the 10th of the next month). If you have not received the money within the stated period, it is advisable to contact support to resolve this problem. But in any case, the AskGfk questionnaire is guaranteed to transfer all funds to the participants.

The solvency of the resource has been repeatedly confirmed, and its reliability is ensured by the well-known marketing organization GFK Rus. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the safety of your money or the confidentiality of the data you provide.

As a conclusion, it is worth saying that the presented survey resource is worthy of your attention. Participation in research, as well as the registration procedure, are free. There is no investment required from you other than a few minutes of your time. Moreover, there are no special requirements for participation in sociological surveys. If you are over 14 years old and live in Russia, you can safely register and start earning money online. And I wish you success in your endeavors!